ChartBlocks Image Generator

If you stumbled across this page expecting to see your chart, you've probably used the wrong URL.

View an existing chart

View the image version of a chart you've already made in the ChartBlocks application

Simply visit<chart-id>.<ext>

Available extensions:

Optional query parameters:

Parameter Possible values Description
t Provided token string To view a non-public chart you'll need to view the image with its token string
width Integer (i.e. 800) Defaults to the width of the chart, can be used to generate a thumbnail version
height Integer (i.e. 600) Defaults to the height of the chart, can be used to generate a thumbnail version
  • inside
  • outside
  • fill
By default the resize transform operation is "inside" the given width and height, maintaining aspect ratio
download Boolean (i.e. 1 or 0) Defaults to false, if true the browser should direct the user to download the image

Create a chart on-the-fly

Test creating chart images by posting config and data.